Our intention was to analyze and interpret the elaborate
content of a piece of music and after translate it into
a visual accompanying language to make all the musical
attributes that can be perceived in many dimensions.
The result consists of form, color & activity in its aspects.

The song is characterized by a powerful and highly dark,
almost aggressive atmosphere. Our individual visual
interpretation of what we heard depicts a battle between
good and evil - between a protagonist (the spotlight
seeking to escape) and numerous appearing antagonists.

My involvement:

Design concept & visualization

My involvement:

Design concept & visualization

Processing time:

One semester project 2023/24

Processing time:

One semester project 2023/24

Team members:

Jona Böhm and Michelle Braier

Team members:

Jona Böhm and Michelle Braier

Nervous Bunny |

Conceptual music visualisation

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